FAQ : Our team at your service

We’d be delighted to answer all your questions! Come and meet us in our spacious 600 m² store, located just 10 minutes from Lausanne and 25 minutes from Yverdon-les-Bains. You can also contact us by phone or e-mail for advice or information on our products and services.

Our website is unfortunately not linked to the stock, but we try to inform you directly on the article and we’ll let you know how long it will take to receive your order; you can also call us directly and we’ll tell you about the current stock and delivery time.

Delivery time for out-of-stock products may vary from 1 to 4 weeks.

We can tell you by phone or e-mail

It is possible to order on the website and pick up your order in store.

No problem, we have the solution: payment by bank transfer.

You place your order and receive our bank details by e-mail,

all you have to do is log in to your eBanking system and make the transfer,

this is the safest solution where you don’t have to give your details online; the transaction is bank-to-bank

Simply place a second order with the pick-up option on the same day (many orders are sent out on the same day) and indicate that it’s a bulk order, or call us and we’ll hold your order until we receive the order with the missing item.

The order will be sent in a single parcel.

We specialize in gastronomy, patisserie and bakery equipment and we know a huge number of suppliers all over the world. We can’t put everything on our site, but we’ll be happy to help.

We use as much as possible packaging that has already been used, giving it a second chance to be recycled before it’s destroyed, and making an ecological gesture is very important to us.

The customer must make reservations by describing the problem on the delivery note in the presence of the carrier at the time of delivery and inform the carrier in writing, with a copy to the seller.

The HTTPS protocol is used when the address of the web page you’re visiting begins with“https://”; it is therefore secure, and sometimes has a padlock on the side (depending on the browser). When the connection to the web page has been correctly made using the HTTPS protocol, you can assume that all data (the most sensitive: passwords, credit card numbers, etc.) transmitted between your browser and the e-shop is encrypted.

the pages you are reading are those published by the owner (Tille sarl)..,