3D fruit silicone mold

3D fruit silicone mold from Silikomart 3 options:

– 15 mini burrs Dimensions: 48 x 37 h 33 mm

– 15 mini cherries, apples, peaches Dimensions: Ø 39 h30 mm

– 15 mini lemons Dimensions: 58 x 38 h 27 mm

The mould is made up of 15 cavities of 30 ml each and *a plastic cutter allowing you to make inserts or bases (only for the strawberry and lemon mould).

A unique solution for creating different types of pastries (mignardises or entremets)

FRAGOLA 30/ Mela, Ciliegia & Pesca30/ LIMONE & LIME30: molds from Silikomart Professional are designed to faithfully reproduce the shape of fruit in the finest detail.

fruit volume: 30 ml x 15 for 450 ml

Plate dimensions 300 x 175 mm

CHF 24.11

SKU: Category: Tag:
Moule silicone fruits 3D Fraise, pomme, citron
3D fruit silicone mold
CHF 24.11 Select options